For the love of our village...
For the past hundred years, the Rottingdean Fair has relied on the generous support of local residents to make it happen. But sadly, times are changing, and people are increasingly reticent to get involved in community activities.
If interest continues to decline, it will ultimately lead to the demise of the fair - and that would be a tragic loss indeed. For the community, for our children, and for the character of the village.
We therefore implore you to consider helping us out if you possibly can - hopefully in one of the following four ways:
Join the committee
The Village Fair Committee is always looking for new people with relevant expertise to join the ranks. In particular, we're looking right now for someone to help us with sponsorship. If that sounds like you, then please do let us know!
Help on the day
There's all sorts of ways you can help on the day - whether you be young and fit, or somewhat older and less able. Perhaps by taking money at the door, or helping to set up gazebos, chairs and the stage. It all helps!

Corporate sponsorship
Every year, the fair gets more expensive to stage. Our public insurance goes up, licenses have to be paid and equipment gets more expensive to hire. So we're hoping to secure some corporate sponsorship from local businesses. Fingers crossed.
Friends of the Fair
Enjoy special privileges at the fair on the day by becoming a 'Friend of the Fair'. You'll not only be helping to support our good causes and the future security of an increasingly costly event - you'll also be treated a bit special on the day!